Wrong Ship
The Story of an immigrant lady, a graduate who decides to remain in Sweden against all odds. She ends up with an illegal status in the hands of a drug dealer and another immigrant…”WRONG SHIP”
“Illegal immigrants on the run”
About the Film
A film about illegal immigrants. The film portrays illegal immigrants by status and activities. When people travel abroad and becomes illegal, there are certain world that they belong to which until someone becomes an illegal immigrants, they will never understand what is in the illegal world.The movie brings out some of the causes and consequences of illegal immigration.

On Set!
Kim Heden , M1 Studio
Evans Ifeanyi,
Diba Otang
Gustav Ovefors,
Jenet Agbor
Filming Location
Sweden, Cameroon, Spain, Nigeria
Film i Västerbotten
2020: Best Feature film at at Festival international du cinéma indépendant de Bafoussam, Cameroun.
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